
Focusing attention toward a desired outcome is essential to working with the medicine. While Kambo can be applied purely for detoxification purposes, its healing properties can be far more profound when including emotional and mental components. Katie will help you explore and refine intentions prior to your ceremony.

24 hours PRIOR

  • No meat, chicken, or fish.

  • No caffeine, alcohol, drugs, or other plant medicines of any kind (including cannabis and mushrooms)

  • Eat a plant-based diet surrounding your Kambo experience.

    It can be helpful to start this a few days earlier and maintain it for several days after; though it is not necessary.


  • Add DRY BRUSHING to your pre-shower routine a few days prior to ceremony to help stimulate the lymphatic system.

  • Take an epsom salt bath the night before ceremony as you contemplate your intentions.

8-10 hours PRIOR

  • No food.

    Come in on any empty stomach. Your session will be scheduled in the morning, so this should be a typical overnight fast.

  • Do not fast beyond 12 hours! It’s important you come into your treatment well-nourished.

  • No water.

    You will be asked to drink 1 - 1.5 liters of water immediately prior to receiving Kambo. Don’t drink water when you wake up, beyond a few sips.


24 hours AFTER

  • Plan to take the whole day off from work and social obligations.

  • Drink plenty of water.

  • No meat, chicken, or fish.

  • No caffeine, alcohol, drugs, or plant medicines (including cannabis and mushrooms).

  • Be conscious what you are consuming: food, social media, TV, conversations, etc.

  • Journal: give more language to your intentions, ceremony experience, and any new insights.


  • DRY BRUSH before showers/baths for the next few days, to assist the detox.

  • You may choose to continue a plant-based diet for a few days following while the medicine is still working through the body. This can help deload the digestive system to more deeply cleanse. But you are OK to begin adding chicken or light fish after the first 24 hours.